Caralynn and I headed out to Colorado for Easter this year. I was so scared of flying with her because I didnt know how she was going to be on the plane. I was so lucky she did so good. She had a bottle right before we got on the flight and slept the whole way there. It was afterwards that the altitude got to her. We had a lot of fun spending time with my family and meeting the relatives. It was so nice to be home with my family, I miss not having them here in Washington. While we were there my sorority sister Brooke came up from Boulder, CO for the day. It was so good to catch up and spend time together and for her to meet Caralynn. On the way home my dad flew back with us because he was headed off to the swap meet in Portland, OR. I am soooo lucky that he came back with me. Caralynn did not like the flight back. It was the opposite of when we came she screamed for a good 30 mins. I would have been in tears if my dad was not there to help with her and to try and make her happy. Of course once she saw her daddy again she was happy and good! carpet in the living room!
10 years ago
All of those pictures are so cute!!! i miss her already!