So Chris and I went to Fort Collins, Colorado for Thanksgiving. It was so much fun and I loved being able to spend time with my family and for Chris to get to know them. They loved him of course!!! We went to the Bud Co. to see how beer was made, Chris loved the samples you get at the end. We also went to Estes Park with my Dad, Bristyn, and Brenton. It was exciting how close we were able to get to the animals at the Rocky Mountain Park. Chris also went fishing with my dad, it was his first time. Sadly he did not catch anything. We enjoyed the park by my parents it felt like we were out in the woods. I hope we get to visit more often. Funny thing while I was there my mom would not introduce me but her granddaughter Caralynn. I guess i dont exist anymore!! :) carpet in the living room!
10 years ago
You are funny!!! YOur blog looks so cute, and I love my background also!!! I can't wait until baby Caralynn comes!!! I love you!!!